The approach was that the top lottery numbers were the HOT numbers. This lottery strategy is still utilized by lottery players across the globe and that is truly sad. However, it’s understandable why it was well-received. The marketing hype surrounding it generated a marvelous fantasy. A fantasy that seemed great, seemed to make sense, was easy to comprehend and implement but was pure malarkey spun through an Irish leprechaun.
A few years back, I had been the first to uncover the flaws in this lottery plan. I have been crusading ever since to shed some light on the topic. But, there was one fact concealed in the plan that did catch my attention. After a time, I was able to unravel my very first sudden breakthrough in lottery number analysis by pulling, pushing and choosing at this 1 thread. I call this technique .
To lay the ground work for a conversation of Cycles, let’s explain the 토토사이트 of this Hot Number Strategy. It is an excellent lead in to some discussion of Cycles. The Hot Number Strategy simply states that the lottery numbers that have struck in the last 10 drawings have to be HOT numbers. HOT amounts being lottery numbers that you ought to play. Apparently, their recent action makes them HOT. They say. It’s easy to see why lots of people fell for this particular pitch. But, the strategy starts to fall apart once you ask some simple questions.
The fallacy behind the Hot Number Strategy lies in the assumption. Do you see what the assumption is? The premise is that the best play list to use is the list of lottery numbers out of the previous ten drawings. But, who says? Are we supposed to blindly accept that statement as truth? Where’s the proof?
A Healthy Lottery Strategy
I can remember asking myself these very questions. And, asking those questions led directly to the crucial question that was,’If the winning numbers in the previous 10 drawings aren’t the best play list, then where do I get the best play list?’ As I worked the problem, I soon understood that one lottery solution would not be satisfactory. The solution had to be robust; one that would work for each lottery.
The solution I was chasing also needed to work for any size lottery, for 5 or 6 amount lotteries and work over any time of the lotteries history. Basically, the solution required to be universal. After many months of research and applications development, a software application I generated helped me find a solution.
Lottery Cycles
Astonishingly, the Hot Number Strategy can be a Cycle. It is called Cycle 1-10. The 1 refers to the previous drawing (one drawing back) and the 10 refers to ten drawings ago (10 drawings back). Consequently, in preparation to perform drawing 100 on Saturday, Cycle 1-10 would refer to drawings 90 through 99; the previous 10 drawings. The winning numbers from these drawings will comprise your play list.
Now, HOT amount aficionados always look at that Cycle 1-10 is the very best. At this moment in a lotteries history, perhaps it is; not. So, instead of guessing, why not check the operation of all Cycles? For instance, perhaps Cycle 4-13 produces a better record; or Cycle 8-17 or even Cycle 21-30. Making a good choice is crucial. After all, it will be a scandalous to invest your money on Cycle 1-10 when Cycle 25-34 was a much better choice.
Here is a fundamental truth that most lottery players should accept and understand. No 2 lotteries are the exact same. A good lottery strategy for a single lottery is a disaster for another. The very best Cycle in one lottery is rarely the very best in another. The whole idea that the Hot Number Strategy would work equally well for many lotteries is ridiculous.
No, you are not going to win the lottery jackpot just because you utilize Cycles. That is just a ridiculous thing to say. The one thing you may expect to achieve is improve your odds of winning. Anyone who tries to tell you differently would also attempt to sell you the Golden Gate Bridge. Again, sorry George.
A Sound Lottery Strategy
If you’re going to play the lottery, then do it correctly. Be logical. Be consistent. Play clever. You can do this by hand but it is simpler with a fantastic lottery software application. Budget your money wisely. And, most importantly, have fun.
Perhaps your lucky day is 5,492 years, 304 days from now. That’s a Small problem. So, the concept is to do everything you can to increase your odds of winning the lottery jackpot today. The first of which is to put together a listing of the best lottery numbers to play. Hopefully, this will reel in that blessed day to a day you are able to enjoy. However, remember, it’s a game and games ought to be fun.